Picture questions statements changed

Some of the statements in the picture questions have been changed. 

For example "I can change lane" is now "I may change lane".

The statements according with the official theory test are:

  • I may drive straight (in this lane)

    • Based on the traffic management, lane markings and traffic signs, you should be able to conclude whether you are allowed to continue driving straight in the lane shown in the picture. This statement is not asking about matters relating to the obligation to yield the right-of-way or compulsory stopping of the vehicle.
  • I may turn to the right (in this lane)

    • Based on the traffic management, lane markings and traffic signs, you should be able to conclude whether you are allowed to turn to the right in the lane shown in the picture. This statement is not asking about matters relating to the obligation to yield the right-of-way or compulsory stopping of the vehicle.
  • I may turn to the left (in this lane)

    • Based on the traffic management, lane markings and traffic signs, you should be able to conclude whether you are allowed to turn to the left in the lane shown in the picture. This statement is not asking about matters relating to the obligation to yield the right-of-way or compulsory stopping of the vehicle.
  • I drive straight on. I must let the road user(s) visible in the picture go first

    • Based on the traffic management, lane markings, traffic environment and traffic signs, you should be able to conclude whether the picture contains vehicles or individuals to which, according to the traffic rules, you should give way.
  • I drive to the right. I must let the road user(s) visible in the picture go first

    • Based on the traffic management, lane markings, traffic environment and traffic signs, you should be able to conclude whether the picture contains vehicles or individuals to which, according to the traffic rules, you should give way.
  • I drive to the left. I must let the road user(s) visible in the picture go first

    • Based on the traffic management, lane markings, traffic environment and traffic signs, you should be able to conclude whether the picture contains vehicles or individuals to which, according to the traffic rules, you should give way.
  • I may start to overtake the vehicle in front

    • Do the traffic rules permit overtaking in the situation shown?
  • I may change lane

    • Do the traffic rules and road markings permit changing lanes in the situation shown?
  • I must stop

    • Do the traffic rules require you to stop in the situation shown?
  • The vehicle shown in the picture is parked correctly

    • Is the vehicle parked correctly, in accordance with the markings, signs and traffic rules?

